The Teacher


Farrah has a Masters degree in Perception and Communication (with a cultural focus), a B.A. in Biology from Boston University, and a certificate in Consciousness Studies from the Center for World Indigenous Studies. She is the author of Sensory Perception: Agent for Paradigm Shift.


Embodied Tantrayana Buddhist Practices

Buddhist Practices aims to reveal our true nature, which is clearness, awareness and light. Tantrayana is the path that uses the body as the vehicle to realize this nature.

Learn movement and breathwork practices to release blocks and tension, balance energy and cultivate a calm mind. Also possible to train as a teacher for certain practices..


A Collective Envisioning

This is the pod with the seed! The seed of our future society.

Here we envision/embody the resonant, harmonious society we are creating. We paint the picture, discuss the details, and feel the beauty of the world we know we deserve.


Exploring the Inside Outside

Nature does not end with earth. Nature includes the vast cosmos and subatomic particles. And the majesty of it all is that the same patterns repeat from the very, very small to the very, very large. And we humans are right in the middle!

Let’s explore the science that is finally catching up to the ancient wisdom, the discoveries that prove that we are all one, and the universe is actually within us.